On my desk right now:
two mugs
one glass
one bowl
random slips of paper with scrawled notes that make no sense to anyone but me
post-it on wall with half-finished to-do list
one laptop, open, that is going to get thrown across the room if it doesn't stop crashing Word already OH MY GOD
on said laptop, which has somehow miraculously remained on the desk and intact:
inbox slowly going out of control
multiple tabs open in Safari on how to format Kindle books, Facebook with seven notifications, blog
multiple tabs open in Chrome for fanfic stories I haven't started and/or finished reading yet
Post-it app with a long, long list of books on my TBR pile to gaze at longingly
multiple Word docs open with stories that are being edited or formatted for publication and their style sheets
Calibre to prepare mobi and epub files
iPad to check how the formatting looks on the mobi and epub files
not pictured: one exhausted editor crashed out on top of desk at 2 am