Sarah May 19, 2017 interview The Editing Experience - An Interview with Melanie Rachel Sarah May 19, 2017 interview Why use a professional editor for your indie book? Melanie Rachel explains her reasons.
Sarah May 9, 2017 editing Why I'm an Editor Sarah May 9, 2017 editing (Hint: It's because I'm not a writer.)
Sarah April 27, 2017 editing, tips Passive Voice is the WORST (Except For When It Isn't) Sarah April 27, 2017 editing, tips Passive voice is complained about in this post.
Sarah April 24, 2017 tips, advice, techniques Kickin' It Old School Sarah April 24, 2017 tips, advice, techniques Using The Artist’s Way to kickstart creativity.
Sarah April 11, 2017 events, austenesque A Weekend with Jane Austen Sarah April 11, 2017 events, austenesque Living my best Jane Austen life.
Sarah April 4, 2017 editing The Life of an Editor, as exemplified by the current state of my desk Sarah April 4, 2017 editing My life in one picture.