Sarah July 27, 2017 advice, tips How to Bust Out of That Writing Slump Sarah July 27, 2017 advice, tips Four ways to get your groove back
Sarah July 20, 2017 editing, advice, tips What You Need To Know About Working with Beta Readers Sarah July 20, 2017 editing, advice, tips The who, what, when, how of beta readers.
Sarah July 13, 2017 advice, editing, tips, techniques One Simple App to Boost Writing Productivity Sarah July 13, 2017 advice, editing, tips, techniques You need this app.
Sarah July 6, 2017 advice, editing, tips What to Expect When Working With an Editor Sarah July 6, 2017 advice, editing, tips Working with an editor for the first time? Here's what you need to know.
Sarah June 23, 2017 marketing, tips, promotion Yep, You Need These Three Things When You're Promoting Your Book Online Sarah June 23, 2017 marketing, tips, promotion The three things you'll need to start to promote your books effectively.
Sarah June 16, 2017 tips, jaff, fanfic Avoiding Adaptation Drift When Writing Fanfic Sarah June 16, 2017 tips, jaff, fanfic Keeping a voice authentic to the source text when writing fanfic.
Sarah June 9, 2017 Stretching Sarah June 9, 2017 The pain and pleasures of stretching beyond what you believe you're capable of in your writing.
Sarah May 31, 2017 advice Writing for the Waste Basket Sarah May 31, 2017 advice I asked my husband what I should blog about today.“Write about people like me who would love to write something but don’t know what to write about.”
Sarah May 25, 2017 Talk to Type - A Voice Typing Experiment Sarah May 25, 2017 Does your brain go too fast for your typing hands to keep up?