Sarah July 16, 2019 clients, fanfic, historical fiction, jaff Heather Moll's His Choice of a Wife released by Meryton Press! Sarah July 16, 2019 clients, fanfic, historical fiction, jaff New JAFF from debut author Heather Moll!
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Sarah May 28, 2019 editing, grammar, techniques, writing Break those rules Sarah May 28, 2019 editing, grammar, techniques, writing Do you need to follow rules for writing? Wellllll…maybe not always. Let me go off about prescriptivism here.
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Sarah April 30, 2019 clients, romance Even more from Kate Bigel! Sarah April 30, 2019 clients, romance A rock star romance without all the noise, but with all the emotion.
Sarah April 25, 2019 clients New from Suzan Lauder! Sarah April 25, 2019 clients A brand-new JAFF mystery from Suzan Lauder.
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Sarah March 28, 2019 writing, romance, newsletter How to keep tropes fresh Sarah March 28, 2019 writing, romance, newsletter What’s going to make your trope-y story stand out from all the others? Here’s how to put your own unique spin on tropes.
Sarah February 28, 2019 tips, writing, grammar Grammar Time: That vs which Sarah February 28, 2019 tips, writing, grammar The struggle is real: when do you use “that” and when do you use “which”?